My tolerance for everything shortens as days get longer and the quality of sunlight becomes more insistent. Too much sunshine makes me tired, slightly nauseated, and bummed. I have to nap. I have to wait until early evening to putter around in my garden.
Years ago, I finally coated the windows of my home office and the deck slider doors with dark gray film. My deck furniture currently consists of a weathered wooden love seat. On it is a statue of the BVM embraced by tendrils of honeysuckle. Honeysuckle smells great at night and Mary by moonlight is a transcendent experience.
Come July, I’m usually very cranky because in addition to tolerating so much sunshine, I've had to endure endless jokes about vampires. I experience these as quite uncharitable, especially when coming from other Catholics. Don’t we get enough of these from folks who think transubstantiation is weird?