Monday, September 14, 2009
My High School Reunion: Planning Mode
The Tenafly High School Class of How-Did-We-Get-So-Old Reunion isn't for another three weeks. Still, tonight seemed like a good time to get more organized for this blessed once-a-decade event.
More specifically, I checked out the schedule for Friday night Shabbat services at Temple Sinai, the synagogue I attended from 4th grade through high school. Services begin at 7:30 PM. w00t. Depending on the Torah portion and drasha, I might stay for the oneg. After that, I'll return to my hotel room and curl up in the fetal position -- if I don't check into Englewood Hospital.
If I get it together early enough, I could probably squeeze in a visit to the Franciscan Convent (up the block from my old house) en route to Saturday's brunch. I'll probably go to the public library while everyone else is feigning interest in high school football (Go Tigers!). Or, maybe I'll wander around town instead of studying and getting lousy grades anyway. Maybe there's a nail salon in Tenafly? I know there's a mikvah.
My big plan is to end up at Our Lady of Mount Carmel for the 5:00 Vigil Mass. Depending on the Gospel reading and homily, I might proudly skulk out after receiving Communion instead of waiting for the dismissal hymn. After that, I'll return to my hotel room and breathe into a little brown bag for a bit -- if I don't check into Englewood Hospital. In fact, I'm sure I'll make it back to the hotel. Wouldn't want to miss the evening's festivities!