Sunday, September 23, 2012

Avinu Malkenu: Our Father, Our King...

Recited* on Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and 
during the Ten Days of Repentance in between . . .


Our Father, our King, hear our voice.
Our Father, our King, we have sinned before you.
Our Father, our King, have compassion upon us and upon our children.

Our Father, our King, bring an end to pestilence, war, and famine around us.
Our Father, our King, bring an end to all trouble and oppression around us.
Our Father, our King, Our Father, our King, inscribe us in the book of (good) life.
Our Father, our King, renew upon us a good year.

Hear our voice.
Hear our voice.
Hear our voice.

*I grew up hearing and chanting this version, but neither our Rabbi nor our Cantor looked or sounded at all like this. Dang!