Saturday, July 27, 2013
About that vacation...
Yes, I know I need a vacation. I'm always tired, mostly because of that dang fibromyalgia, but these days I'm beyond tired -- but in a good way and for a delightful reason. July 15, 2013 was the official publication date for The Social Media Gospel: Sharing the Good News in New Ways.
Weeks before pub date were filled with pre-publication stuff. The past two weeks have been filled with blog touring. Blog touring? That's the 21st century equivalent and fabulous replacement for author tours of bookstores and other venues to promote a book.
A blog tour generally involves providing answers for a list of questions provided by the blogger. In some instances, the host blogger may also offer a book giveaway via social media. I was very fortunate (blessed) because bloggers who hosted me wanted to give away books and folks at Liturgical Press were generous with comp copies.
Relative to the book, the past few weeks have also included online chats sponsored by Patheos and the Seminary of the Southwest. A Google hangout with Paul Steinbrueck from Christian Web Trends is scheduled for July 31.
And then there's all the regular stuff of daily life: watering plants, cooking, food shopping, client work, naps. Last Saturday, I binge-watched all 13 episodes of "Orange is the New Black" on Netflix and will be writing about that.
All this adds up to no blogging on my own blog and I'm tired and I need a vacation. But that, too, presents challenges that hardly make it worth leaving the comforts of home.
I must sleep in a bed that won't generate more pain. I need access to gluten-free food, even if I have to prepare it. I really cannot comfortably drive much more than three hours, so anything at a distance would have to be accessible by public transportation. And yes, costs are an issue. (All suggestions and invitations are welcomed!)
Never mind that I'd love to be someplace quiet and either cool or air conditioned if it's hot outside. My wild wishlist involves access to a chapel, preferably where the Daily Office is chanted, although I'd only make it to Vespers and Compline. WiFi, although I'd even be willing to renounce that. Mountains, which for me always makes God's presence known. And so forth and so on.
High maintenance? Maybe. I much prefer to characterize myself as having a heightened self-awareness. Please let me have that!
Image: A Girl Reading in a Hammock by Robert Archibalt Graafland (1875-1940)