Ready? And away we go!
No germ
Thanks be to God, because spilling or wasting Jesus would make Jesus weep. Germs would make Jesus sneeze.
Use this Communion Wafer Dispenser during the cold and flu season to prevent the passing of germs, or use it all year long to reduce the cost, time and personnel needed to provide communion by as much as 50 percent . . .
Especially if your One True Church does not condone laity, women, or both to provide communion except under extraordinary circumstances, although perhaps the flu season would qualify as an extraordinary circumstance?
The revolutionary Rapid Re-load System™ dispenses up to 140 wafers without having to be re-filled, while being fast and easy when you do need to re-load.
140 wafers? What is this, Eucharist Goes Tweet? Who chose this number? It's not even a multiple of three. Lord, have mercy.
It uses re-sealable clear plastic tubes of wafers. Tubes have a plastic plug to seal out air and moisture, increasing the shelf-life of unused wafers.
Just in case your church or the clergy who serve it are unable to convey the promise of Eternal Life.