Temporarily moving this party
to #3xCharm.
You might not know this about me, but I seize every opportunity to make a point about the power and glory of online tech tools, especially social media. My wedding celebration with Dan is a case in point to make this point. Here's how:
We used Sendomatic for many invitations and then Facebook (Event pages) and Twitter for follow-up. Many months ago, Dan (@RevWeb) came up with the idea of using this Twitter hashtag: #3xCharm. The analytics for the past 24 hours look like this:
Over the weekend, one of my dearest friends and healthcare social media colleagues, Ed Bennett (@EdBennett) met us at the cathedral to test the WiFi and give UStream a practice run. (Note: We're streaming through the homily being delivered by another dear friend, Roman Catholic Deacon Jim Knipper (@jjknipper and vows, only. If you want to hear the final hymn, Holy God, We Praise Your Name, click here.)
It's a temporary site we'll take down, along with FB Event pages, after our wedding...maybe during the honeymoon we're not taking? WhatEVER.
In the midst of writing this post, Dan proofread the worship bulletin one more time, found a smudge on the printed cover page. "Chocolate?" he asked. "More likely blood." The worship bulletin is now uploaded to Slideshare (aka, YouTube for documents and presentations).
From The Duh Department: I love online tech and social media!
Regular blogging will resume here the week of November 6.