Thursday, February 23, 2012

Not giving up social media for Lent . . .

...and not giving up Twitter or LinkedIn and especially not Pinterest. In fact, I'm planning to spend even more time on Pinterest, pinning sacred images that support my Lenten journey.

Some people get all in everyone's face about giving up social media for Lent. A few years ago, I would have agreed with them about how futzing around online can be a distracting time-suck.

Much has changed in the years that Facebook (8), Twitter (5), and Pinterest (> 1) have been around. These days there are lots of great reasons for making social media use an integral part of Lenten devotions. My thoughts about this are trotted out in more detail in today's Blogalogue question on dotMagis, where editor Jim Manney asked me about giving up social media for Lent. You can read it here.

Imagine my surprise to wake up to a  news story about Pope Benedict XVI (or his team on his behalf) getting involved with tweeting during Lent. Looks like we finally agree on something in addition to loving cats and the music of J.S. Bach.